Monday, July 5, 2010

Stephanie Grogan

Stephanie is such a beautiful and photogenic girl that I asked her if she would like to do some portraits for my portfolio and she willingly agreed! This was a very fun shoot for us and we toured alot of Columbia looking to find some pretty fun spots and we were fairly successful! Hope you enjoy these!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Michael and Courtney

Courtney is very good friends with one of my former roommates and when I was asked to help co-photograph this wedding, I was sooo excited! She was such a beautiful bride and was an amazingly sweet person to work with, her and Michael both! It was a beautiful wedding inside an amazing church and the weather was sooo nice! Couldnt have asked for anything better!

Taylor and Catherine Freeman

Taylor and Catherine Freeman are family friends of mine from my home church in Sumter, SC. It was such a treasure to be able to photograph their wedding memories and to experience such a wonderful day with both of them! Catherine made such a beautiful bride and it was awesome to work with her and her family! The wedding took place at Wise Drive Baptist Church in Sumter and the reception took place downtown by the Opera House.